Volunteers Wanted!
Laurier Winter Dance Party
(February 12, Wed)
The Laurier PAC will be putting on an epic family dance party on Wednesday, February 12th at 5 pm in the School Gym!
It will be an interactive party for the school community to come together for some dancing, games, & fun! As always, these events only happen with volunteer help. We are currently looking for volunteers to assist with door/check-in station, concession table, cashier and clean up help. |
2024 - 2025 school yearHot Lunch Volunteers Needed!As a parent, you play a vital role in shaping your child’s educational experience. Beyond helping with homework and attending parent-teacher meetings, there’s an exciting way to make a tangible difference in your child’s school day: volunteering for the hot lunch program!
The hot lunch program is about more than just food; it’s about nourishing young minds and fostering a sense of community. By dedicating just a small portion of your time, you can help ensure that every student receives a nutritious, warm meal to fuel their learning and growth. |
We are looking for 2-3 volunteers daily from Mondays to Fridays between 11:30AM to 12:00PM and volunteers will be reviewing orders and delivering them to the classrooms. Training and Orientation will be provided!
Join the Hot Lunch Program: Your involvement would be invaluable in helping us create a vibrant hot lunch program for our children and all proceeds go towards the school!
For more information, feel free to contact the PAC Hot Lunch team by email at [email protected]. |